Jewish Community Health Initiative


Suspected Mumps Outbreak in Cleveland  

Posted by mendel Friday, September 17, 2010 5:32:05 PM

There is a possible mumps outbreak at Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland. The Yeshiva is actively taking all appropriate measures, and wishes the community to be aware of this development.

Mumps is usually very mild, especially in those who have had 2 doses of the vaccine. However, mumps can occasionally cause complications, and some of them can be serious.

Please note that it usually takes approximately 2-1/2 weeks after exposure before symptoms appear. For example, anyone exposed on Yom Kippur may not experience symptoms until after Sukkos. Mumps is contagious from 1-3 days before symptons until about 5 days following symptoms. Anyone experiencing a swollen jawline (under ears or jaw of one or both sides of the face) should contact their doctor. Other symptoms include fever, headaches,muscle aches, tiredness, loss of appetite. People with children over 12 months who have not had their 2nd shot should consult with their pediatrician about whether to give the 2nd MMR shot ahead of schedule. Adults born after 1956 who had less than 2 doses of vaccine, and never had mumps, should consult their physician. Adults born prior to 1957 who know they did not have mumps, and had less than 2 doses of vaccine should consult their physician. People in homes with boys who learn at Telshe should exercise additional caution.

The Jewish Community Health Initiative is working with the local health departments, local doctors and the Yeshiva.

Doctors who would like to receive updates, or share their own information with other doctors, are encouraged to contact:

Mendel Singer at 216-368-1951 or

For more information, check our Mumps Page.

JCHi has developed an acronym for preventing the spread of mumps:

SVARAS Can Stop Mumps!

Space Minimize Crowding
VAccinate MMR Vaacine is the best protection we have
Rapid Assessment Symptoms? Quicker diagnosis, quicker isolation
Soap Wash often, with soap

Copyright, mendel singer
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