Jewish Community Health Initiative


Health Blog at Cleveland Jewish News 

Posted by mendel Wednesday, September 28, 2011 1:59:52 PM

Our director, Dr. Mendel Singer, will be starting a health blog at the Cleveland Jewish News website. It is scheduled to begin on Friday Oct 7, and is called: LaBriut! To Your Health!

Copyright, mendel singer

re: Health Blog at Cleveland Jewish News

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 5:47:14 PM mendel

Thank you so much for sharing that! Please stay in touch, and let me know if there are things you'd like to see me cover.

re: Health Blog at Cleveland Jewish News

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 2:56:29 AM research paper help

I visited the site titled "LaBriut! To Your Health!" and all I can say is "nice job!" I've been looking for a blog site related to healthy living and I think this is the one that suit my preference.

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