First, thanks to the Cleveland Jewish News for their article about our Director, Dr. Mendel Singer.
Lots of exciting projects going on at JCHi. Working on a cool feature for the website where a person can review different types of healthy behaviors, pick out something they can see themselves changing, and see what the benefits would be. It will be a way to match up what you might like to change (and feel able to ) with the benefits you are seeking. This will only be the first step in a much larger projects, but it's a start - and the research is completed and being put into a format we can use for the website. So check in from time to time... or subscribe!
JCHi did health surveys at local Jewish day schools, and after a long delay, is finally putting together the results for reporting back to the schools.
Are you passionate about living a healthy life? Want to help others do the same? Contact us to see how we can use your talents and drive to help others. JCHi needs volunteers for things like doing public health screenings, and spreading healthy messages. JCHi provides any training you might need.
Oh, and anyone interested in making a small donation to help purchase equipment for public health screenings, please get in touch with us. Monitors for checking blood pressure and blood sugar are very accurate and inexpensive, so a small donation goes a long way. Of course, donations are tax deductible (made out to Case Western Reserve University).