Jewish Community Health Initiative


U of Michigan, Monday March 26: The Obesity Epidemic: A Jewish Perspective 

Posted by mendel Wednesday, March 21, 2012 2:56:50 PM

Dr. Mendel Singer will be giving a talk, "The Obesity Epidemic: A Jewish Perspective" at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, Monday March 26 at 5pm, 1415 Washington Hts, Ann Arbor in the Community Lounge, room 1680. He will also be meeting with students about the Jewish Community Health Fellowship Program (flyer).

The event is sponsored by La Briut Jewish Student Association of the University of Michigan School of Public Health and Medical Exposure (MEDx) of the University of Michigan Hillel. Special thanks to Danielle Taubman for all the hard work to make this event happen!


Copyright, mendel singer
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