Jewish Community Health Fellowship at Case 

Posted by mendel Friday, February 24, 2012 2:12:15 PM

In the fight against obesity and chronic disease, health promotion is getting renewed emphasis. The most efficient way to accomplish this is through community health methods that leverage existing relationships, infrastructure and resources. Every community needs to employ these methods, with people who have been professionally trained, and with the knowledge and experience specific to that community.

For the Jewish community, where will these people come from?

To meet this need, JCHi and Case Western Reserve University have created the Jewish Community Health Fellowship in conjunction with the Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) program. Here are the highlights of this new and unique program.

  1. Complete a Master’s Degree in Public Health (M.P.H.)
  2. Major in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
  3. Specialized coursework on doing public and community health in the Jewish community
  4. Graduate assistantship with the Jewish Community Health Initiative working on projects in the Jewish community and schools.
  5. Train and do community screenings.
  6. Do health outreach and program development.
  7. Field placement and MPH Capstone project at community partner

Applications are accepted through June 30, but review of applications begins May 1.

To learn more about this exciting new program, contact Dr. Mendel Singer.

To find out more about the MPH program and application procedures, visit

See the flyer!

Copyright, mendel singer
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